Former UNESCO-awarded "Best of the Web" 2 years in a row creative head Eric Pajot, now in charge of Metaverse and BlockChain at gives his take on BSPG...
Since the dawn of time, Man has been trying to guess his destiny. No people on Earth has escaped this vital need to know future events. From the weather to the future of individuals and nations, we have never stopped trying to pierce the bubble of our present to perceive the future. Wise men, astrologers, sorcerers, magicians, fortune tellers, druids, or other mantics ... have marked out our history to serve this unalterable desire. Today, at the time of new technologies, we are no less and perhaps even more eager to know the events that determine our future. In front of the numerous social, economic and meteorological stakes, in front of the risk of a third world war and in front of the mutations of the world as a whole, to know what will be made tomorrow has perhaps never been so important.
How to practice this magic of the ancients who mastered this so particular art of being able to read in the signs of our present, the future of the people. Astrology was probably one of the first "sciences" used, how this knowledge was divulged we do not know much about it, but it seems that the study of the movement of the planets over thousands of years gave those who mastered this knowledge, the power to announce probable futures. However the techniques have multiplied and whether it is the planets, the trigrams of the Y-king (Book of mutations), the druidic runes, the tarot, the Beninese Fâ or the coffee grounds, the oracles used all work in the same way. They are a simple bi-polar potential oscillating between a positive and a negative. What we do with them, our behaviors, determine towards which polarity the future will move.
Our future remains a potential that oscillates between two poles, positive or negative, the dualism inherent to our world, the eternal symbol of good and evil, archetypal foundation of our existence. However, an event that seems happy can turn into a catastrophe and a catastrophe can turn into a benefit.
Unity, time, the world, the universe and mankind are built from two antagonistic forces. From this fundamental matrix everything else results, the original energy remains neutral but it has a balanced + and -. When we use this energy we decide its purpose, for good or for evil. Our free will is the part of indeterminism that we share with the universe, this famous present moment which is neither good nor bad, since it is the middle way, the balance. But we don't know how to live in this balance and we constantly use our judgment which influences our decisions and the way we will use this energy which will materialize in a choice, then in an act. The judgment induced by free will is a deterministic force in a world in perpetual indeterminism.
Possible futures
Among the Amazonian shamans, time is represented by a serpent with several heads, its body representing the past and it's body the present and it's heads, the future, or rather the multitude of possible futures. The future depends permanently on the choices we are going to make by using this judgment, which is the driving force behind the implementation of our actions, the future remains quantum because it is always indeterminate.
Because of our dual nature, we are then permanently forced to put our judgment on the beings, the things, the ideas and the events. We do not know how to live otherwise and without a doubt life and time are in direct contact with this free will that we use to decide what is good or bad, and to define our future. This principle of duality generalized to all scales of our reality and existence is the law that determines the way the world works.
At the quantum scale, the duality of waves and particles remains undetermined until we attempt to measure their speeds or positions. The notions of wave function collapse and quantum entanglement seem to tell us that even at the deepest level of matter the same rules are played out as in the macrocosm, as both depend on the human mind as well as it's judgment.
Our interest in the indeterminacy of elementary particles defines it as a distinct force.
Once again the indeterministic balance is broken by our interest, our judgment, because the simple fact of wanting information disturbs the original energy and reduces it to a force, annihilating its indeterminism with multiple potentials. To keep all the potentials of our future we should not think about it, nor want to know about it, while we are constantly thinking about it, so wanting to foresee the future makes it inevitably happen. We understand to what extent our point of view on the future is therefore ... Determining.
As Tobie Nathan points out, the interpretations of dreams can be diverse and it is necessary to choose the right honirocrite. As of the one who will read the symbols of your dreams with the most positive prediction, its interpretation influencing favorably the course of the destiny of the person who is interested in it.
From this permanent interaction with the fundamental energy of the universe, a kind of unconscious communication arises, a permanent exchange which exceeds our 5 senses and reduces the possible to a quantum state in a tangible reality. This postulate is obviously not shared by a majority and remains for many an erroneous or even delirious vision of our reality. This theory, however, remains that of the Copenhagen school defended in particular by Heisenberg, one of the founding fathers of quantum physics.
"In classical physics, science started from the belief - or should we say illusion? - that we can describe the world without involving ourselves in any way. [...] Quantum theory has no really subjective features, because it does not introduce the mind of the physicist as part of the atomic phenomenon; but it starts from the division of the world into "object" and rest of the world, and from the fact that we use classical concepts for our description. This division is arbitrary." (Werner Heisenberg)
"It is very important to realize that our object has necessarily been in contact with the other parts of the world, i.e. the experimental conditions, the measuring apparatus, etc., before the observation and at least during the observation. This means that the equation of motion for the probability function now contains the influence of the interaction with the measuring device. This influence introduces a new element of uncertainty, since the measuring device is necessarily described in terms of classical physics and such a description contains all the uncertainties we know from thermodynamics; and since the device is in relation to the rest of the world, it in fact contains the uncertainties about the structure of the whole world. [...] Therefore, the transition from the 'possible' to the 'real' during the reduction of the wave packet takes place during the act of observing." (Werner Heisenberg)
In this relationship it sometimes happens that the universe addresses itself to us as well, the theory of synchronicities thought by CG Jung and which fascinated W. Pauli, another founder of quantum physics, can be understood as this: "... Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence in the mind of an individual of at least two mental events that do not present a link of physical causality, but whose association takes on a meaning for the person who perceives them. This notion is articulated with other notions of Jungian psychology, such as the archetype and the collective unconscious."
An exchange of information between our unconscious, permanently connected to the energetic and informational source, which during particular events, sends us information that only we perceive and which represents an answer to an inner questioning about our future life. Using these messages as a source of detection of future events can help us make the right choices. By using synchronicities we are working on this new science that interests some leading scientists today. Commonly called the physics of consciousness, this new field of research tries to find links between mind and matter. Philippe Guillement who defends temporal retro-causality or Roger Nelson within the Global Consciousness Project, who tries to calculate the level of consciousness on a planetary scale, are two among others, of these avant-garde scientists at the border of spirituality and science. A new science that W. Pauli and CG Jung already named in their time: "psycho-physics".
"Crises, upheavals and illness do not arise by chance. They serve as indicators to rectify a trajectory, to explore new directions, to experiment with another path of life. (C.G. Jung,)
If this information is primarily dedicated to a particular individual, we can apply the same theory on a larger scale. For crises, upheavals and diseases have recently become our harsh reality. The appearance of the covid pandemic, undoubtedly conceals a message of a necessary transformation of our society and its functioning. The messages are flowing in, but we do not know how to interpret them and, above all, we do not want to hear them. The materialistic vision which postulates that crises have always existed and that we are going through them as we have gone through all the others, does not take into consideration the information that is supposed to enlighten us and give us clues on what we should modify to change our future. So we don't change anything and the crises accumulate without ever hearing their messages, urging us to a necessary and profound transformation.
The universe speaks to us about our future, but we do not listen to it, so we are forced to undergo the jolts of our emotions, manipulated by cosmic energies that we do not believe in. We then continue to follow the wheel of time inexorably without ever being able to change our destiny and the increasingly unfortunate events do not change anything.
However, by connecting our psyche to the quantum world we connect the most subtle parts of a common world, made up of the same particles and the same antagonistic forces. It is not by raising our nose to the sky and shouting at the stars that we exchange with the universe, but by finding this present moment so necessary to our balance. This one connects us with the primordial quantum balance through our psyche. We can then interact with this world of the infinitely small which builds the matter of our reality and even potentially influence it. By working with our mind we are more sensitive to the messages of the universe and encourage it to communicate with us, to be more synchronic, to be clearer about the choices to be made to save our future and therefore ourselves.
Hard reality
Following this logic of a balanced and neutral energy field reacting to our desire to know information about it, we can draw a thread to our materialist reality. Around us, the interaction with our environment is permanent and all our actions create events in matter. We are like this cloud of electrons revolving around the nucleus of the atom, because Humanity is constantly changing and remains ultimately unpredictable and indeterminate. What determines our actions depends above all, as we have seen, on our judgment. Our choices and decisions are the result of what we consider to be good or bad, and obviously each decision is for the good, or rather what we consider to be the good, our judgment. The implementation of our judgment comes from our emotions, people, facts, information work on our feelings and push us to react according to what we consider to be acceptable or not. The media constantly tries to attract us in the net of our emotional feelings because we know that it is by this means that we attract the attention of the greatest number. Judgment comes from the ego and working on the ego of individuals remains the best way to manipulate the human mind and its eternal need to judge.
By observing the information in the media and its resonance on social networks, we find these bubbles of judgment, these communities locked in their beliefs and which encourage each other not to be able to think outside this bubble and especially to believe in another reality than the one defended. We understand better why our future remains so uncertain, because so much negative judgment can only lead to an equally bad future. Once again our emotions deceive us and our judgment is wrong.
By scanning the internet and other sources, we can extract a "mood" or climate. The air of the time, of an era, of a moment, which influences ideologies and actions. What concepts, ideas, practices, trends are going on and determine the way people think and therefore act. As in the astrological method, where In this relationship it sometimes happens that the universe addresses itself to us as well, the theory of synchronicities thought by CG Jung and which fascinated W. Pauli, another founder of quantum physics, can be understood as this: "... Synchronicity is the simultaneous occurrence in the mind of an individual of at least two mental events that do not present a link of physical causality, but whose association takes on a meaning for the person who perceives them. This notion is articulated with other notions of Jungian psychology, such as the archetype and the collective unconscious."
The Sherlock Holmes method,
In front of this multitude of informational sources, both immaterial and material, we can foresee various probable events to come. By cumulating the secular predictions on the future of Man as well as their feelings spread on social networks, we touch the two poles of modern divination.
Like Sherlock Holmes, it is above all a work of observation of a series of details, which allows us to determine a profile that we must then unmask.
"When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth." (Sherlock Holmes)
"Much more than a character in a novel, Sherlock Holmes has become a myth of the 20th century. How to explain this success? By his method of investigation, which makes him a very strange expert, both a scientist and a wizard. He is the initiator of the detective story centered on the rational elucidation of an enigma, and thus anticipates the psychoanalytical approach. He is claimed to be a scientist, whereas he refers rather to the clinic."
Conan Doyle used the method of his professor of medicine, Joseph Bell, to create his character, and his methodical and generalist approach.
"Bell was then a man of great energy, an amateur poet, sportsman and bird lover. He studied human aspects carefully, such as a person's walk, accent, hands and clothing, and with this information he could determine many things. Thus, he used to encourage his students to recognize their patients through accurate observation of individuals and logical deduction. He often impressed his patients and students by making statements about their character, sometimes even before the person had spoken."
It is by using this method, based on the observation of seemingly insignificant details and connecting them through the imagination, that the minds of Bell and Sherlock work. Both understood that the personality of an individual can be read through his appearance, his clothes, his way of expressing himself, his occupations and preoccupations, or even the type of tobacco he smokes, etc... A multitude of clues that speak of the one being observed. This will not predict his actions, but it will allow us to register him in such or such type of people and link him to typical profiles of humans. Social networks are an infinite source of information of this kind and even richer in details on the deep personalities, that they are the spillway of all the ideological postures and the temple of the ego and thus of the judgment. How far will the judgment of these often atrophied egos go, are they content to divulge fake news or are they fomenting a future revolt, aggression, attacks ...?
Artificial Intelligence,
The method of Kira Radinsky proceeds from the analysis of these multiple data collected on the web which includes a multitude of information. By processing this data we are not only analyzing data but somehow penetrating the complexity of the world, and the multiple interactions at the origin of facts that we try to predict.
"My research focuses on how web dynamics and knowledge can help us predict future events in our world. I study the changes that the Web undergoes over time, from salient changes such as content addition and evolution, to more subtle temporal dynamics of user behavior, and examine how these can be used to predict the future behavior of populations. I combine these dynamics with other knowledge of the world available on the web to build systems that feed on many heterogeneous resources, such as web activity, real-time media, and social media, to alert on upcoming world events."
Once again, this is all about potential and there is always a spark that lights the fuse to revolt. It is usually political and societal events that cause our emotions to spill over. We know that the Arab revolutions came from a shortage of bread and not from a revolt against authoritarian regimes. Man can remain docile when he has bread and games, but when hunger is felt or money is lacking, then governments must beware of it like the plague.
The warning signs always exist, like the lightning announces the thunder, there are in the big as in the small events, signs pre-existing to their avenues. The law of series and Murphy's law, which tells us that everything that must go wrong will end up going wrong, also allows us to be interested in this task of predicting catastrophes by trying to find the signs that herald these catastrophes.
From a general climate that tints a period of time with a certain spirit, we can imagine potential more or less catastrophic events. By refining the research, by directing it towards sources identified as potentially more sensitive to this zeitgeist, we tighten the analysis of probabilities and bring our investigation closer to groups, individuals or types of individuals, potentially suspect of acting in the more or less short term. This technique can also be applied to events that do not involve humans. Following the logic of starting from the whole towards the unit, but also from the macrocosm to the microcosm. Let us understand, from an analysis that takes into account a global tendency and applies the quantum principle based on the fact that what is indeterminate undergoes an "emotional" charge to break this indeterminacy. It is by getting closer to the most fragile elements of a system that we can claim to predict its behavior. The weakest links in a company or a production chain are always those who feel the most energy charges that destabilize their own system and lead to the destabilization of the whole. The energetic resonance is not the same depending on whether we are dealing with balanced or unbalanced data. This resentment that destabilizes the weak link is crucial to identify in order to anticipate the proper functioning of the whole. Thus, for a machine, as for society or nature, it is these more fragile elements, because they are more sensitive to the energies at work, that we should be interested in. We will thus be able to open a new chapter in the age-old art of predicting future events, more or less fortunate.
Eric Pajot
BlockChain & Metaverse Head


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